Mat Milen

Mat is a Registered Clinical Social Worker, specializing in folks dealing with trauma, stress, anxiety, or feeling really down about their personal, work, or social lives.

Mat believes that relationship and connecting with others is important in overcoming life's challenges. Mathew works with his clients to explore how different parts of their lives and experiences affect their thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. This helps folks grow in their understanding of themselves and others, reducing symptoms, and building capacity.

Mat often works with people who've experienced trauma, feeling low, anxiety, substance use, or having troubles with their performance or personality. No matter why they seek help, Mat creates a safe space where they can learn to handle emotions, communicate better with family and colleagues, and manage challenging situations more calmly.


Mathew is registered with the Alberta College of Social Workers and a Member of EMDR Canada.



Mathew is a Registered Clinical Social Worker with the Alberta College of Social Workers.  He completed his Masters in Clinical Social Work through the University of Calgary in 2013, qualified as a Substance Abuse Professional in 2014 and attended Hebrew University’s International Clinical Trauma & Resilience Summer Program in Israel in 2017.  

Mathew has specialized training in:

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing;

  • Accelerated Resolution Therapy;

  • Somatic Experiencing;

  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy;

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy;

  • Mindfulness;

  • Motivational Interviewing, and;

  • Prolonged Exposure.

Prior to private practice,  Mathew worked in a hospital setting, assisting individuals with brain injuries and later with individuals with a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder.  He has also worked with individuals and families impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorder (child and adult diagnoses).  He later went on to work in an independent psychiatric practice with a focus on drug and alcohol use, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and occupational health. 

In his current practice, Mathew regularly provides therapeutic services to members of Edmonton Police Services, Emergency Responders, Veterans and Health Care Professionals experiencing trauma and/or substance-related difficulties.  

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